Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My MMP fit my design specification well. I came up against a few problems like the colour of the text not contrasting well with the picture. I also had some problems with slides that had no pictures that were associated with them. My MMP ran long as it was 4 minutes but on the plus side it ran for the entire song.


I don’t have a specific number of slides that I need but I do have criteria as to how many words can go on a specific slide. It has to be readable and clear. I want happy music and humorous pictures. I want my MMP to have a positive message and be a fun thing to watch. The slides have to have pictures associated with the words.

I intend to do this project at home considering that the music I want is at home. I give myself a week to do this project so that I still have time to make the necessary changes. I will go step by step – looking through the poem and choosing the necessary pictures to match the words. I will then create the movie. I will use Windows Movie Maker and if necessary, some photo-editing software.